PHDI aims at providing primary and secondary and vocational educational services vulnerable children and youths in our community, through paying school fees and providing scholastic materials for children from vulnerable families, and skills development trainings in vocational institutions to ensure that they create their own jobs and improve their incomes and livelihoods.
In line with education program, PHDI works to promote new strategies to reach children and young people with educational needs within regular education and community-based programmes, PHDI invited a number of practitioners to share successful experiences, projects, etc. in this domain. The compiled stories reflect initiatives of different groups of practitioners – teachers, parents, specialists and community people with a clear commitment to making a difference in the education of children and young people – people who are determined to make things happen. PHDI’s programme on Education has put together these stories, hoping that they will be a source of inspiration, and a channel for exchange and networking with all those who want to promote education for the most vulnerable.
The education sponsorship program at child trust international works to make the right to education meaningful by combating inequality and discrimination in education and exposing structural iniquities that reproduce education disadvantage and exclusion